phrasesfaceplantmufflyduffledinafluffypillow you hear so obviously what I utter in mutters under my breath is a bridge shaded from view where the hobo's live when they don't want to be bothered
I pilgramaged to the top of a mountain to loose my whispers in the wind lost forever bleached, torn and fraying bits of a flag that lost the war But you picked them up like so many scraps of paper fluttered and jumbled to reconstruct and decipher, I MEANT TO THROW THEM AWAY but all you notice are keys to my safebox, in the garbage can making a jingle jangle ruckus in their silence
Though I must have laryngitis still your receptors never picked up the signal so clearly as when I venture to get away, erase what I wrote in white noise dust as if I had shouted my carefully guarded secrets from rooftops
Sometimes I fathom you can even hear my thoughts
The Ear of Dionysius is a limestone cave carved out of the Temenites hill in the city of Syracuse, on the island of Sicily in Italy. Its name comes from its similarity in shape to the human ear. According to legend, Dionysius used the cave as a prison for political dissidents, and by means of the perfect acoustics eavesdropped on the plans and secrets of his captives.