Sun drunk on early Spring, Pulsing veins of years of light; Warm skin, damp grass Earth; Softest blue and still wind; If you listen close, listen far, Packs of birds make flights In figure eights around the trees. Splash of a landing, calm and smooth, Upon the water, beyond the sand. Endless day of sky and sky and sky. Time upon time upon time Cannot find us here, in our Secret place, here with all the world, With us and for us, only. The stop-motion set unwinds, Fades out to unnumbered days When hours had no meaning; Timeless time and ageless age. The gnat in our minds reminds: You will have to return; The buzz of reason. Not yet, not here, In this infinite pause of life. The sight, the touch, the sound. The premonition of rain Draws us back to the indoor glow Of glazed fog window panes. Two depressions on the ground Beneath the twilit atmosphere Signifying us.