I’m not thinking of you All the time That’s why you’re (in) my poem again And a fleeting memory of mine. Nothing of pith, nor something to question: Like a simple, transient indigestion. Though, you were once a wound --Another shard of glitt’ry ceramic— Certainly, I’m sure, I’ve healed While meditating you, the font endemic. Rest assured, I’ve loosed the bind Aft’ some disparaged thought Where I hit the wayside So I no longer think of you. …Be certain and clear, You, gift, once so dear That I think not of you all the time You that waylaid Temper, spirit, and mind You that effulged the soul of my words Of romance, of fiction And other dribble of that kind You, at my distance, seemed a creature a divine From, several of my works, your being derived. In life I could not have Nor in thought shall I play (As though thought was of any consequence, anyway), So, I’m happy to chime My resistance to doting And quitted my practices Of elegiac sonnets and poetic noting And no longer think of you all the time Nor do I lament, nor do I whine I proclaim that this is…fine And I assure you, so am I…