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Mar 2014
You are a curse best left

but a curse best kept.
I will always want you for myself.

What could the world know about you?

They wont even look you in the eye.

They will never speak your tongue.

I am afraid, ALWAYS AFRAID.

Afraid of and for you.

You like to believe I tremble at your touch.

I don't. I shiver at the thought of letting you go.

For you are the punishment upon us all.

A hex I have created. An oath of disaster.

The crack in the mirror before it breaks into a hundred shards. The fragments that are never found but stepped on later. A reminder that nothing is okay just yet. A mental note that there are hidden tragedies beneath us all. Who could love you for this crime?

Not even me, but I could never let you free.

© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Rhea Nadia
Written by
Rhea Nadia  California
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