I know I hurt you I know you want retribution For all I've done over the years And that no amount of apologies Can make up for my wrongs But I regret them all I learned from them though I learned that *** is wretched without love And one day I suppose In making it all fair You'll see that I learned that love Is more valuable than pride In our time together I forgave you Took you back Buried the hatchet Because my love outweighed My pain And I suppose It truly was I that loved most And yet I know You'd still put up a fight saying differently So in this time I realized that This life without you in it to comfort me Is unbearable and my heart Aches with the sorrow The past taught me That I can't give up Even when it seems like Its my only option The past showed me that When your down You have to fight harder Because you can't let the current Sweep you away My past is a hideous thing And besides the time with you I'd like to erase every bit But at least i learned At least the lessons Gave me faith and kept me faithful At least even if you never forgive me You know your loved At least you know You'll always have a bed to come to Even if its broken.