Still not happy. What is it about being pinned down that causes our hearts to rush Or the pulse to harden? I can hardly listen to music anymore: It all sounds like you. My brain says give up and stay home My heart says go out and love! Give it all away! Take them all for granted! Let them use you! Would it hurt? Not anymore. Not after us.
Random but justifiable meltdowns occurring every day sometime past noon. Every single day. Your picture still on my windowsill You in that dress Our hands melted together Our arms behind each others' backs The smiling.
All the holding and kissing we did on the boat. The propeller spun the water through my head And out your mouth into my eyes From there into your thighs Out your ears and under your bed From the time we wake up until we're dead
Bolted shut. The door is locked. Every time I leave, I lock it again. Robbery is a victimless crime when you don't care about your worthless crap.
Take me. Take it all from me. Be an angel and sin with me. She never will again. Not as long as her picture exists.
She will never leave my head. Just as long as that picture persists Or the Pinback track continually insists I just sit back and cry and open my wrists.
I can't cry. I can't laugh for any real reason unless a hookah is near, AND SPEAKING OF WHICH:
I want to be with you again, man. You left me at the same time she did. Add insult to injury. Degrade my emotions. "She outranks you. It doesn't matter what you are feeling. Only what she is feeling."
Those words echo like a ton of bricks Thrown against a canyon Or a gunshot cracking on a silent, frosty night The city glows, but not the way I like it. Not the way you described.
THE WAY I DESCRIBED. Don't you ******* tell me I ruined it for you. It was already ruined! I just spelled it out for you! Have you no eyes?! Can you not see your impact? You witch. You monster! You ghoul! You sorceress! Succubus! Seraph! Get out of my head! Leave me to rot! Let my tears dry! Let my head clear!
Fog from my eyes will dissipate! But only if you GO AWAY.
You know who you are. And this is not intended to offend you.
However, the other, he can definitely take it seriously.