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Mar 2014
You brought the most adorable young baby girl,
We made the most beautiful daughter.
Listen to what I'm about to say,
It will be short,I won't make it longer.

I was there when your water broke.
I was there since the beginning,
Because I care
About the love we share.
It wasn't easy believe me
I remember the day you wanted to leave me
You were 7months pregnant
You called me names
Such as *******
So you had cravings and hormones
I'm sorry that time I never knew
That whole situation was new to me

I love you so much that sometimes it makes me cry
They say a man don't cry,that's a **** lie
I just love it when I make you smile :-)
I'd say "Phariri,pharoza,Noza"
Like our baby you'd smile :)
You are a mother,a sister to others
And a daughter to your parents,and to me..?


Will you Marry me?
Written by
SirDlova  South Africa,Cape Town
(South Africa,Cape Town)   
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