I wanted to be happy for you, and I wanted you to notice. I tricked myself with words like Sophrosyne and Halcyon and deemed myself a Lotus: capable of blossoming beautifully despite the mud beneath me. I threw my razors away, out of sight and out of mind. I tricked myself into thinking that maybe it was finally time to listen to my heart rather than my head and maybe vulnerability wouldn't have to leave me dead. But I knew choosing my heart was wrong when I was enlightened that she had loved you all along. Because I am not a flower in comparison to her cunning eyes or porcelain skin, and I do not possess her efflorescence that inspires you to sin. My thoughts are frightening and so is loving you because now that I've opened up and let you in I've begun to open my skin again. This time I use needles and knives because the razors, along with my mind, have departed. And so will you, when her affection revives.