when the day seems boring and long when everything goes wrong when bad stuff happen and i cant get along when nothing goes right, n there's no hope of change. when god knows i cant hold on any longer,he sends an angel. when im soaking my pillow with tears at night. the angel comes to make things right. she comforts me n i hold her tight. she stays with me until my burdens gone n i feel light. she helps me into bed n bids me g'nyt. atlast she smiles a dazzling smile,behind her i c the stars shine bright. i smile back at her as she goes away... the next day,im on my way. hurrying so i dont miss the bus. mum kisses me goodbye n makes a fuss. on my seat, i snuggle up to sleep. but when u came my heart made a huge leap. because suddenly i remembered last night... it gives me a thrill ,a kinda fright. as i shake hands with you n u smile a dazzling smile. i recognize the angel, from last night.