The cop asked me for my license to which I replied what the hell is that. Officer Tillman I belive i met your wife in a restroom down at the laundrymat. She didnt do ya justice. Cause you arent all that ugly but you are kinda fat.
No my last name isnt Knoxville but I sure had some fun in Tennessee. Met darlin that left a burnin feelin behind just for me.
My life is like a tweenty four hour cartoon. A wreckless wonder. If ya wanna ride along theres always room.
Gotta babydoll I often reffer to as Tinker. She's my favorite semi insane funsize drinker.
Got a amigo or two. Some fake ID's cause some people just happen to be looking for me. I thought you already knew.
Some people like to hate. Clive. Forrest. Ian. Dont be jelouse your still living togather in the same basement no hope ever having none inflatable date.
Iv'e taken some pretty hard licks. Put my mind in a blender . Now all im left with is becon bits. Im the ******* of poetry alone I hold the crown. Some might call me a village idoit. But I would say im most fun fella in town.
And if ya read this work and still cant see. You can go to hell. And thats one thing apon me my imaginary friends and my little badass tinker agree.