there is a path. a path that will lead us to a place where we can find peace and happiness. there is a path. a path full of fear and pain. hurdles we have to overcome to reach a miraculous goal.
there is a path. a path that could lead you to a place where you can find war and sadness. there is a path. a shorter and easier path. a path that doesn't require much effort to pass and reach a somber end.
there are two paths. two varying paths that will lead you to different finish lines.
there are two paths. it's you who decides which one you'll follow.
two choices we all have to make. 1st path: rough in the beginning, painful while you're passing it but when you reach the end its wonderful and you'll find happiness. 2nd path: easy, you don't have to make any effort to pass it but at the end you'll find sadness, pain, disappointments..why? because you didn't fight or at least try to conquer fears. the choice you make right now is the one that will define your future.