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Mar 2014
The world of wisdom
the world of wealth
where people come and go
but one fine thing persists forever

The world runs for it
lives for it,works for it
but it moves on from anywhere to anyone

Beings cry for it
steel,****,fight,suffer and die for 'it'
One big universe with
infinite population
and infinite things to desire
in this huge world
its demand persists forever.

It gathers the attention of one and all
the care,need of all
But it itself is "no entity"
"A man-made creation"

Just a one fine creation
being chased by the whole wide world.
Few have it infinity
rest not even its shadow....

This greatest creation
ruling its creators
   ---silly isn't it .

                                                                           -Paridhi Sharma
Paridhi Sharma
Written by
Paridhi Sharma  india
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