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Mar 2014
As the rocks crinkle with my very step,
with the leaves rustling through the wind
looking up, a beautiful sky i see
unfathomable and free,
just like how our dreams used to be.

As we grow older all that we hear,
"Study hard, don't be like her,"
"I've planned things for you dear,"
and "Stace, please, are you sure?"

So much insecurities,  how do i start?
how do i learn, to follow my heart?
When will i go, to the places i long?
Hopefully soon i'll be somewhere i belong
Here's to the ones who lost their dreams as they grow up, met the love of their lives, or found new (realistic) dreams.  Oh well, things happen. But no matter where you go now, know that it's all been written and continue to strive and press on!
stacy kate
Written by
stacy kate  Singapore
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