I asked for a wish would it come true, you told me to think you answer would be true, I asked of love and what if the wish was granted what would it do.
A look was given, I will tell you the truth. You can wish for love, you pray to see if it comes true. But the only person to find love can only be you, its isnt brought or sold, it a feeling of the heart and only you can make that wish come true.
I thought again of riches, and if granted what to expect from you, as before i will tell you truth of riches untold and what it will do to you.
Riches are good comftable you may be, but happiness it may not bring. It brings greed to the soul where you had nothing you now what more, you,ll climb over others to make this true. misery spreads to your heart,money is good if earned repected and then the true value you,ll truely see.
I thought of wishes and the down side you see for every wish seems good but there is always a down side to see, so i thought through a day and a night, less the sleep.
And i said i wish for no wish, i will make my fortune through my efforts if i make money through hard work so it will be.
Love is a hard targret to hit, but if i am myself with those that i wish to share love with, I may miss but one will hit the mark, and that love will be true to my heart.
We can wish for every thing we disire but wishes arent true, only you can pursue those dreams to make them come true.