Two sides of a coin that have the same face, that which is one side happy go lucky a smile always on there face, a personality that warms others that they like being in the same space.
Always helpful opeing doors, a complmiment to many, blessiing those that sneeze manners to give and more.
Then there is the side that he hides from those that know him too well, the side of hate that lurks out side the corners. Dark places he stays next victim his heart swells beating to the beat of death, as he takes those he dreams unfit to live no happiness here as he takes them to hell.
They are deamed unworthy of life wasted shells that need the two sides to set them free for two are always one and after the deed is done, he aplogises but reminds them they are the low, the ****.
A smile he gives but if looking closly you see that dark glint in his eye there are always two sides to people to everyone some are kept in while others let out to prey forfilling there need for the deed to be done...