All I hope Is that someone will get me That someone will truly care about what I do and say And I hope I will understand them Truly love and care about them Care about what they do and say That they will accept me for me And I'll accept them too All I really want is one person to stay with me my whole life If I could just have that Maybe I wouldn't be so broken Maybe I could even be fixed Maybe I wouldn't be so afraid of love Or so afraid of myself And maybe I wouldn't be afraid of my future or my past I've already had people give up on me And I know why they did One of them told me why And I see why too I was never comfortable in my own skin and my own mind And I made them uncomfortable to the point where it was too much I was suffocating myself and I was doing it to them too So when they left I was more alone and I was realizing more and more Everything is what's wrong with me Everything I never had any validation so I got worse I did too many of the wrong things without knowing And I feel like I won't be accepted anywhere I'm trying to fix myself, but I have no idea how to How do I fix myself when everything's wrong? How do I fix myself when every piece is either bent out of shape or broken?
How do you fix something when everything in it is broken? I don't know how to fix it.