You have the beauty That enflames the heart And enchants the soul Within, don't hide it
Society's standards Are ridiculous The media's portrayal Of what beauty is biased We spend out of our means To wear such and such labels Wear pounds of make-up, Starve ourselves, Because who we look in The mirror is not what We see on tv?
What is beauty? Is it the texture of my hair? Is it the hue of my skin? Is it my ethnicity? Is it my weight? What is beauty?
Black is beautiful White is beautiful Hispanic is beautiful Asian is beautiful Bi/multi racial is beautiful You're beautiful We're beautiful We don't need society's Validation No, we don't need to Be deemed perfect by society In actual fact, it's standards Are unatainable So why do we strive for Something we know is Only an illusion?
Do we realize the impact That media has in shaping The way the millennium Generation Thinks, and behaves? We demand change, But we're the same people Tuning in to the same Shows that we protest about
We've become so engulfed In the world of entertainment That the word has lost Meaning itself Heck, I'm 18 I'm guilty of this too Entertainment is no longer Just that- it's crotch grabbing, Glorified drug, alcohol abuse And yet, we wonder why Majority of My generation has no substance, No depth, and no layers
We no longer aspire to be The Obamas, the Ghandis, The Mandelas and so on No! That has long passed The 'American Dream' has Become Kim Kardashian And Kanye West
In all honesty, We are our surroundings You want change? Let's stop watching reality tv Maybe then these networks Will stop producing more trash Let's instill morals In our children And help them discover The fire that burns inside Them, the beauty within
Granted-there are some of us who don't succumb to these things. This is one sided, it's subjective.