Finding myself dismissed For my slow speed And small size I see there is no use for speed in the eternal As there is no use for size in the infinite For I have the tortoise way As God has given me this glorious shell That the world may throw down Its smugness and contempt on me For it just rattles like rain of a roof As I draw my head in I hear the pitted patter Of the world's pain softly Raining down on me I relax in the warmth of my own shell
They may keep their childish ways Their one upmanship For I do not seek the high road But the low Where my heart brushes with earth And I feel close to God For I love the earth so much That I did not choose to be born On two legs and tall But on four legs and small With my heart as close To the earth as possible For I love the earth so much
Bound to the earth I appear to all As they laugh and chuckle In their disregard As I am humbled by the earth And my own limitation But God rewards me with long life As he does many gentle souls For I will be hugging the earth When they are long gone And their empires have fallen
Listening to the whispers of a tortoise Will bring you great joy For seldom will such love be matched As they guard the earth With their warm heart And shield it from the harshness Of the World With their beautiful shell Where underneath an intimacy With the earth is fostered and can only be known By the beauty of a tortoise