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Ashley Rodden
Feb 2014
My Devotion To You
I just don't get it.
I don't quite understand.
If you love me and I love you.
Why can't that be enough in the end?
I can't help but feel like I'm being compared to your ex life.
It's like you already have it figured out in your own mind.
Your biggest thing in the beginning of us was hope.
Sounds like now you're letting life get in the way of that.
I guess I always knew that it couldn't stay how it was in the beginning of us.
It never does.
But, I just thought maybe if I held you tight enough you would finally see that
I love you even in spite of me.
Because I still remember our first kiss and I still get chills at the touch of your hand.
I still get excited to see you and I love waking up next to you in bed.
I haven't lost my passion for you not even a little bit.
You still intrigue me and turn me on.
I know what it's like to be scared and have doubt consume you.
I've experienced both in this relationship a time or two.
But, I've never doubted my feelings for you.
And I've never been scared of you.
I don't know how I'll ever make you see that being loved by you is more than enough for me.
I don't care about the world because you have set me free.
I believe in you and me.
So we can't just give up when things get tough.
I'll never try to keep you if this isn't where you want to be.
But I will try for you and hopefully then you will see that I love you.
Beyond reason and I'll love you beyond all time.
I don't give up on the things or people I love.
It's just not in me you see.
Because I believe love will always find a way.
No matter what has happened.
No matter what comes to be.
I can be okay with that as long as you're here with me.
Because you are my king and I the jewel in your crown.
One doesn't shine without the other.
We have tested theories and proven ourselves wrong a million times.
I don't know what it's going to take for you to not be scared and just love me.
For me it took a lot of courage and time.
I don't know what you need from me to make you feel okay or convince you that I am here to stay.
I won't abandon you I've told you that from the start.
I won't give up on you or stop trying to mend your broken heart.
Agape, Eros, Philia, Storge, take your pick.
It doesn't matter how you say it, because it's all the same in the end.
© Ashley Rodden. All rights reserved
Written by
Ashley Rodden
Weeping willow
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