Not the one you take in,
that can be greedy, but not a sin,
but the one as a natural reaction,
to giving it all away,
blowing out the air,
from your lungs,
living out your life,
all the way,
you will not stop
breathing that breath, the breath,
the backfill happens naturally,
you fill your lungs not by accidently,
breathing in, in ha la ti on,
the breath of two people so closely,
like they were one mind,
is rare, but so is breathing,
pure air,
but as is true with each day,
handle breathing the same way,
at a
time. Deep Ex ha la ti on.
Remember if stress is on your shoulder or your shadow,
breathing is your response, breathing out is always the
best choice of the two. For you will always, at some point breath in.