The valley is still there although the dolls have gone, for now. We used to plough through Pharmacies to staunch the needs of our disease and on our knees we'd pray to gods making rods for our own backs and dolls were stacked up two by two in the flying embers of those who knew the pain, and fired down throats to fuel again the fires that burnt inside. I rue the tracks laid down and splayed on limbs that now grow old,rigid,cold and folded tight against my chest but the dolls knew what was best in those testing times and track lines only serve to tell how well I knew them all. Through those furrows made I fall and hear dolls call to me in the closed down empty pharmacy where life is stifled in the green and black capsules which fooled us all, the valley's gone for now,the dolls are sleeping tight,the night has faded,a jaded yesterday has given birth to a bright new day,and so I shall stay as quiet as I can.