Lured by the bait of a golden trap Got down on the road for one quick snap Season’s harvest lay the gleaming yield Pains of seeding sprouted fulfilled!
May I take a shot of this wondrous show Of homing the crop in its brightest glow Would you mind if take a photo or two To carry with me this freshest hue!
A hint of a smile broke her lipline She said please don’t take any of mine For the harvest can take as many you need Of the pastures stretching far across the mead!
But as one you know bred in the city Smart and scheming gainfully witty I said the soil you must have perfectly tilled To have reaped now this abundant yield!
Won’t hide my wish to you won’t lie Some I would take home if you let me buy To remind me of the glory of your toil Spent on the farmland rewarded by the soil!
On her lips now broke a girl’s rippling laugh Why sir I would give you of what we have enough To give you some as gift would be a pleasure nice Can’t stoop so low as to charge you a price!
She put in my bag some of her bumper yield Her heart’s gift to a stranger his wishes fulfilled As I drove away from her leaving her on her land Through the window I saw love’s waving hand!