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Feb 2014
To most
Sleep is just
Laying down and drifting into a dream world.

For me sleep is
Laying down on a soft bed
But feeling the rocks of my past
Holding up my head.
Hours of nostalgia and regret
And years' worth of pain and sorrow
Sitting on my chest.
The soda I had at 4 pm
Just started to kick in now
As I lay awake and mourn
For things I can't change now.
My melancholy takes over me
And the long for happiness grows
And I toss and turn
And feel the loss of things that I never owned.
I long for those who I've never met
And I cry for those I have
Until eventually I fall into acceptance
For at least the night at hand.
Then I shove my face into a tear soaked pillow
And let the nightmares take care of the rest
Written by
jennifer  the road to ruin
(the road to ruin)   
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