Count them out...these lazy days Where winds doth rage, but nothing sways And nothing moves Although the voices sing much louder when all is still So many many crazed With ideas and wonders to confuse and amaze Which only goes to prove that sometimes stillness can't be stilled And, wanting nothing more than this: To adorn the page with my writer's kiss Caressing keys So as to lay out every word each muse has bred The opportunity so often missed In writing when the urge insists Then...vacancies The moment lost when ideas have fled The words remain despite my lack Of calling all my muses back And time slips by As ideas become memories that scream The scattered pieces staring back Awaiting moments to attack And come to life Just as the dreamer wakes into the dream
Sometimes when I can't write at all, I write about not being able to write. It often helps the words begin to flow again. I highly recommend it =^)