A lone Muslim weeps alone Mind entirely westernized Heart in the Middle East Shown by his father how to love With faith of course And to find peace with himself
A country built on blind pride Unfortunately yields ideal life Four planes taking ****** detours Captained by servants of Allah To die as martyrs in His name
The lone Muslim sits in a classroom Silence during the 12th anniversary of 9/11 A peaceful religion forever stained The teacher prints out pictures of Muhammed And hands one to the Muslim with a smile Almost asking for retaliation
Every night he prays to the clouds Allahu-Akbar Allahu-Akbar Identical with cries of the Taliban Irony fills the air As pictures of Muhammed come to mind
A lone Muslim surrounded by smiling bigots Who can't help but ask if Jihad exists Or question if Ramadan works Judge his every move And deny their prejudice
A lone Muslim weeps alone As he remembers the day he lost his heart The day conformity was shunned A man rejected from love due to religion Turns into a terrorist And begins to walk with a suicide vest
Peace and love for everything Now replaced by guns and hate Political parties staining beautiful thoughts Preaching American hate and Muslim supremacy Things Allah would be proud of
My religion will always be stained
"Allah forbids you not With regard to those Who fight you not for Faith Nor drive you out of your homes From dealing kindly and justly with them For Allah loves those who are just"