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Feb 2014
I don't know about you,
but I love watching the sunrise

washing my sheets
changing them, and watching the puppy
search for the old smell,
roll around in the new one

I adore seeing orange and blue
intertwine in the sky

I think it's funny,
listening to my mother scream
over fries, because I know I can
make her laugh again if I'm patient

I think hair is beautiful,
when it's wild and free
not held down by the millions of chemicals

I take in the moments when there is a hurricane
no one drives past my house during these times
so I lay in the road until I hear trees begin to crack
and sit under the carport, letting the rain brush me

I love spending all day,
writing quotes down in a notebook
reading poems and thinking
about inspiration, why they chose
the words they did

I love the bonfires on summer nights
because no matter how far you get from the fire,
you stay warm

I am grateful I can walk through the forest
jump over streams
and climb the trees

I admire the way smoothies taste
when you have a bad hangover
(or at any other time too)

I love to run until my feet turn red
because I love to watch the world
fly by me, and know that it is endless

I could probably list and list
go on forever
because I think they're all wonderful
it's ok
Written by
it's ok  21/F
   chris and Alex Cassidy
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