I want to shed the weight off thinner thighs, hips, legs, arms I'm not fat, just out of shape and I wear the extra skin, watch the fabric of my clothes stretch disgustingly over my body I eat healthy now, and I run and run and exercise every day, something different I want to be fit when I meet my heroes in 3 weeks I've been drinking green drinks I've been drinking orange red drinks made by my hand held blender The app on my phone says, If I keep eating like I do, I'll weight 113 pounds in 5 weeks but it's not enough and I push myself until I want to collapse it's still not enough because I'm 5'3 (and a half) and most girls my height are more dainty than me but I don't want to go three days without eating four days without sleeping because I worry about my weight binge eating and giving up my food because I won't be that person again it never worked I just wish I was not made out of numbers