I could be rioting the abominations Of homophobia and sexism. Being an activist. Helping changes occur. Doing good for myself, my friends, the whole country.
And I'm here. Studying rocks under a microscope To fill a ******* lab requirement. Doing psychology research. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE BECAUSE I AM A MATH MAJOR. Waking up every morning with more debt on my shoulders.
I could be out saving lives, Or seeing the world Or starting a family Or creating things that bring people joy Or making people happy Or making changes.
And I'm here. Picking a career field that will make me a lot of money For the soul purpose of paying off my two hundred thousand dollars in student loans. I didn't realize I had other options when I started school. But I am in so financially deep right now That I literally have NO other options. This is how they get you, kids. Don't follow in my footsteps. Because you'll ******* hate your life.