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Mar 2014
Racking my brains,
I lack all my past pain,
Which inspired me to write.
But I've won all my fights.
I've spent a year loving you,
With nothing in return.
Endless amounts of what ifs,
The embers you had left on me,
Began to burn.

You fed my fire with small twigs,
And I'd do anything for more.
The fire rose up but I contained it,
Didn't want it burning anyone.
But then you started throwing branches,
And then you threw logs.
You uprooted the trees,
That kept you alive,
And burned them to prolong your withdrawal.

My fire roared,
Your heart soared,
And we both knew what to do,
We uprooted you.
Diving into my fire,
We started our new little game,
Burn high, bright and forever,
Become an eternal flame.
And we burned.

We burned all people who had doubt,
We burned anything that got in our way.
We laughed at the thought of anyone else,
No one can douse our flame.
You've forged me with your intense yearning,
We showed to the world our burning.
Our flame isn't going out,
And for all I care let there be a drought.
You are the only thing I need.

Fire born from desire,
Love that broke the chains.
Lips that could drive a man mad,
An endless maze of a brain.
Yet she let me in,
And I'll never figure her out.
But I'm here laying with her,
Both of us covered in burns,
Still on fire with the flame that'll never go out.
Wow first on in a while.
Happy One Year my beautiful girlfriend Madison.
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