When will I stop questioning? I thought to myself “who am i?” It would not hurt to know who I really am Because that is the answer we all want
In search for my desired but right answer I decided to do a little out of the ordinary It was said to me “You are in charge!!!” The grin on my face queried “In charge of what?”
Maybe in charge of the dry dust I came from Or the dark room I spent my early days Maybe the scotching hot sun I grew up Or the full moon that rocks the dusky night
Am just a poor little kid One that grew up eating the dirt of the dark soil Now being deceived of what is not Because I was told “Am in charge”
My query indeed was duly answer Answer I presume to be out of context Context seemingly impossible to achieve Achieved by a creature of my caliber
I was told “Fishes don’t BECOME swimmers, they ARE swimmers” “Birds don’t BECOME flyers, they ARE flyers” “Cheetahs don’t BECOME runners, they ARE runners” “Human shouldn’t BECOME leaders, they ARE leaders”
If fishes never become swimmers How come they maneuver their way in the sea? Moving in the ocean human fear so much And they never hurt by it
Birds spends their early ages in the nest Thrown someday out of the nest by their mother Zoom!!! They go flapping their wings Just like its being flying secretly in the nest
Cheetahs the fastest running animal I wonder how muscular its vein feels At birth does not go hunting But it grows to be so agile in race
After a precious time thinking I understood the word of the sage “You are in charge” Not of the dry dust, nor the dark room, nor the sun, nor the moon
But I am in charge of what I do I am in charge of who I become I am in charge of my existence Because it is inbuilt