The veins in your arms are different than his I know because I have traced them many times Your hands are different, stronger With more beautiful lines
They way your eyes absorb the sun And how you shake your head I wish I could be yours But I am his instead
When the lights flicker and I am afraid It is his should I lean upon But when its day Its your smile that leads me on
When my hands are cold And he grabs them they do not get warm But when I stand between you two My heart is so torn
The energy he gives me Is unlike any drug But when I am near you I feel safe secure and snug
When you catch my gaze And I can see the jealousy I wish I could let you know I long to be free
He says he loves me But love does not burn I tell you to be patience You will have your turn
But how can I leave Someone I know, and knows everything about me For someone I don't know But says they care about me
How can a child Face all her fears How can I choose Without all the tears
You ask me to pick Between love and desire You ask me to choose Between which of you makes me feel higher
Once this choice is made I can never go back It might as well be set in stone Or written in white and black
If I chose you Would things still be the same Or would I cry out in the night Haunted by his name
Or do I chose the safe side To stick with what I know How do I leave him How can I just let him go