I hooked my eyes on you, Sun-boy from the dark precincts, Fighting the stream of tunes With your dashing accent. But the sun doesn’t pick: It casts and we all take you in Equally, always with the same tricks, The same for all the doting grins. Another sun-child fooled me once (A teaspoonful of sunlight, spilt and done) And you do it again, as if by chance, Just being yourself in a strange land of sun. I had to panic, scream – Fled for the nearest storm, Got caught in the thunder streams lost, hopeless, unborn – But your smile unwavering Ever shining, casting shadows as it dances, shadows that remind me, again, That the sun has no favourite. I have the wax glued, the feathers done Waiting to take off into the land of sun, Seeing the settling dust – sunset is upon us. You’ll soon wander back To the shadows you were born in While I’ll be alone, dark, In the land of sun Sunless.