I think the most important part of this life is learning how to live solely and completely for yourself. I say this because no matter how hard things get for you all you will ever have is you.
Smile in the mirror, remind yourself that the sun shines out of your ***, and walk in the light of every new day you have ahead.
I remember feelings and people that have long since passed. They weighed on me like wet clothes. It's too heavy carrying the burdens of angry words, and leftover feelings. You are too important to this world you are too important to yourself to allow all of this to wash over you.
Drench yourself in kind smiles and happy thoughts. This life seems so hard sometimes, but there is no wrong way to live it so I commend you on the effort you've shown thus far.
I look forward to every person I will wholly love. But as for right now my *** looks great in these jeans my skin is clearing up and my hair has come to terms with itself.
Love hurts in every form. I have written letters to God that spewed nothing but cold hearted empty words. I was given nothing but warmth in return.
I will hug myself every night I have an opportunity to breathe. I have lived with myself thus far and when someone comes out of the wood work I will love them more because I taught myself how.