Everything for everyone Nothing left for me I speak to walls My voice makes zombies My life, unrecognizable Broken by family My love has twisted all my hopes and dreams A cracked shell of shards Remnants of what happy was Before I realized I was happy Used up, worn out, and discarded There is only so much trying There are only so many tears My pain is not yours to take My crazy is no one else's burden Open and empty carcass Picked clean by harsh words Not even my pain is my own Claimed by others to fuel their anger Their growing hatred All I did was love Now I'm lost eternally Alone surrounded by people No trust, not for my broken innards No comfort, no solace I am chewed up and shat out Invisible and inconsequential I am alone in a house full of people Where only I say "I love you" Where only I need more I need purpose I need to be free to feel what I feel Now, with that freedom removed permanently, How can the status quo remain I, once filled with love, am empty Eyes dulled Mind devoid of substance Heart as cold as a glacier A shell, numb to the outside Motions without thought Time drudges on Drained of everything My last breath, too, goes unnoticed