I'm on a crowded sidewalk, there's people walking fast around me. Everything is a blur of motion. The air is thick with cigarette smoke and factory pollution. Contaminated air fill my lungs and I cough loudly. No one seems to hear me choking on the air I'm breathing in.
After catching my breath I gaze at the environment around me. Its busy, there are good looking men talking on cell phones dressed in suits and carrying briefcases - there's beautiful women walking with multiple bags strung around their arms some with little dogs on a leash behind them. I felt as if I didn't belong. I look down at myself and I see that I'm wearing a plain black t-shirt and my pants have multiple holes. My shoes are starting to fall apart at the seams. "Where am I?" I ask a man passing by me, but he didn't seem to notice I was there.
Am I invisible?
That's when I see you. You're staring at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I say your name, silently at first, almost only to myself. I say it again louder this time, but you stay there, unresponsive. I scream your name, and you move toward me. I reach my arms out to grab you, and the moment I will never forget, is when you walked right through me, as if **I never existed.