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Feb 2014
In the flood canoe rescue,
Great Britain take the lead,
In the pilfering of houses,
We get gold for the greed,

In the skeleton were top,
As the food runs out to quick,
For children and the aged,
The poor and the sick,

Sandbag filling quickness,
We have that one to,
The army lads champion that,
The royals helped with a few,

Evacuation sprint,
Won by counties, five,
Death toll medal to follow,
When we see who's left alive,

Loss of homes and business,
Unmentionable amount,
Mental scars and sadness,
Impossible to count,

Top gold medal for Cameron,
For deserting the British clan,
And top gold for foreign aid,
Given by this man,

No takers for foreign help gold,
But the world can see our plight,
And yet we are the first to aid,
When other countries are in the *****,

So well done rich safe government,
Your truly an all gold winner,
For the country that was fought for,
You watch as your land becomes thinner.
Tina ford
Written by
Tina ford  Liverpool
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