Walking into a room I look around but lately not a face sinks in any face but yours.
I look not to find you but to avoid your stare. I don't want to be with you I just want to know where you are so I'm not too near.
Close enough to see you so when I take a peek I can see if your looking and if you want me.
Not that I want you you're just something to do. You're someone to talk to until I get bored someone to kiss when the feeling rushes forward.
I just want you to want me and then I'd like to decide. I rearrange my schedule to make sure your not there. I cling to my friends so when its time to compare. I seem like I'm better and more than you deserve, but the truth is I'm useless and you're all I think of.
I don't like much about you except everything I see all thats missing is your need for me. So I plan on working on it to make me real cool so the next time your looking I'll be where you are.
Not perfect because that doesn't exist, but from perfect I'm not far. I have a long way to go until I'm ready you see, but just remember that if you need someone you can always find me.