Waking up with the sun spread across my face. Lean over the side of my bed. Moving at a slow pace. Matted is the hair upon my head. Make my way to the bathroom. Putting on the face everyone see's I need to hurry I'll have to leave soon. Wishing I could just leave as I please. Grabbing my things, heading out the door. I need to catch the bus. Left something I needed on my bedroom floor. Can't go back to get it, my mom will make a big fuss. I sit there in seat double my size. In my own world not saying a word. Awaiting at my destination is no surprise. Looking out my window everything seems blurred. Arriving to where we're forced to be. I'll sit alone in the hallway. Until it's him I see. We both will say 'Hey' Then we'll talk about anything that seems to fit. loosing track of time until the bell sounds. other then a few moment I don't like it here not on bit. Walking on all new grounds.