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Feb 2014
The biggest illusion in this world is love
Love fades with time
And then you're left with an emptiness
Weighing down on your soul
With every passing step
With every passing moment
The burden keeps on growing, growing
Leaving one feeling heavy hearted, yet at the same time so weak one could be knocked over by the wind that's blowing
Reminiscing on past moments shared in love
And on what could have been, and on the undreamed of
Then love ripens into hate
Hate for loving so much, leaving one with distaste
The fruit of one's love
Falls to the earth
Left to rot
And just for a moment
One is left with a feeling of freedom
Having the joy to breathe again
No thoughts to provoke the tears that saturate the seed
That must grow again
One day, one day my friend
One will have to pick up that load again
One's heart will grow heavy with pain and strain
Yet feel so empty inside
And one day, my friend
Love will glow so brightly again.
One may feel like love just goes away.
But no.
It's apparent it is just not that simple.
Written by
Jocelyn Aguilar
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