dreams held under late night street lights kisses escaping lips under the moonlight and the stars and broken hearts scattered along the street corner over heartless text messages and bitter words, comes what they call love
teen-sweethearts ripped apart by lies and despair and new loves and new chance and never will they be remembered for what they really were but only the grass stained clothing and the smoky kitchens at 2 am
the late night kisses that mean nothing any more the "I love you's" in hushed tones and the hand holding the strolls in the wet grass on a crisp winter day the borrowing of sweaters and sharing of cigarettes
I don't know any more whether I am asking for too much in today's society of rushed thoughtless texts and less and less true love, just flings and secrets and Facebook chats I don't want that, I want fire, I want true passion
I want a love that keeps me awake all night a love where my mind is so tangled around you I can't think, for the whirlwind of your presence always in my mind, always on my lips, always in my lungs