Can I numb my body one last time? You say you'll haunt me if I overdose I bleed out I keep my food from digesting I **** myself Whether it is intentional or not.
Quitting cold turkey Is a ***** and a half But when you quit three things at once When your life is still a living hell You find yourself moody And depressed And angry.
How is it possible That when I decide to stop cutting Stop purging Stop hurting my body Stop denying myself That I start to have those Suicidal and foreboding thoughts Enter my brain again? Not that I'll act on them.
Obsessive thoughts Lead to compulsive behaviors I know this far too well. The bleak practice of picking my skin Will all but disappear from my routine. But hey, at least it can't **** me.
Smoking some tobacco As well as other assorted chemicals Could send me to my grave. It's a little bit of a longer flight, however. And stress is a more direct route. I guess you have to pick your battles.
People say they hate to be numbed I guess that's why people abuse painkillers? Sorry, I'm feeling distastefully sarcastic today. But my point is I don't mind it Because take away the medicine And you're forced to deal with whatever reality Brought you to that point. Might as well procrastinate while you can get away with it. But it's a dangerous wire to dance on.