Finally, I took your pictures down The ones that hung above my desk and haunted me Reminding me of better days when I had all I ever wanted, When you would look me in the eyes and I'd desire nothing more... When our intertwined fingers were my definition of perfection...
But why should I keep our sentimental moments front and center in my viewΒ When you've already burned the memories and scattered the ashes in the sea?
Too often I find my lovesick nostalgia suffocating me while I stare into your pretty Polaroid face. So, I stuffed our every photo in the back sideΒ of a picture frame-- --a photo booth at senior prom, our graduation, a smiling push on a swing, A black-and-white of holding hands, walking away, heads cast down but eyes lit bright-- --and I shoved them in a box, hoping that my mind will someday follow suit.
I have learned I need to let you go Even though I never want to lose you.
*Update*: My best friend/roommate put up pictures of himself making faces and eating pizza in the empty spaces that her pictures once occupied. He's the best.