like skin want lips night words love soft just time say sun hair summer know eyes morning crave burning tick way life long old smoke moment body kiss people dark small voice black cigarette face hold fingers ocean little breath mouth red need girl sky town feet new stop cigarettes make naked things feel hands fall past bed tired cold filled ******* softly vie vivre we'd walk dawn left air look white yell good thought head art bodies boy rain wine took dry drunk road snow bottles poetry untitled you'd light nice maybe tongue secret kisses warm supposed kissed remember touch future leaves leave music ice strong wild bones singing couch throat sleeping young scream lovely mountains eyed coffee golden purple inside cheeks world taste used came lungs day alive room sunlight different end heart letters think kind open distant dancing hearts sweet high knew tears blue mother water freedom wonder painted wind makes read told heat happy afraid grass brown half late exactly raw large hanging whiskey clothing flowers drunken palms stuffed there's tiny silent moments hot dreams bit speak dance desire dust ready arms moon run drink fast trying longer slowly darkness real
taken from the 'words' section of my hellopoetry account. create anything you want with them in your mind; they're right there staring at you from the page.