I will like to thank you for a couple of things that i have noticed for a couple of years
Thanks for destroying humanity I really want my kids to know that panda bears are from Chinese restaurants and that Taco Bell originated from Mexico all Asians know how to handle a Rubik's cube like the curves on a women.
Thanks for posting these skeletons in magazines that we call models and telling everybody that this what beauty is, so girls can put your fingers down their throats and guys can juice themselves up because lets be honest personality doesn't matter, right?
thanks for killing creativity with your genocide and lynching our education system because our minds are the like the assembly lines for your standardized testing if you don’t fill out the right bubbles that means that you are not smart like the rest of us you see we are robots if you don't fill out that bubble that you were not programed like rest of us fill in out that bubble because that bubble is going to determine if you go to a good college or not. and remember community college means you are a failure.
Thanks for destroying our free time Instead of stopping and smelling the roses we stop and take a photos for instagram instead of going out and meeting new people, we flash around our privates on the internet like it’s public property because **** the love I want to get naked right? because she only needs to loved for that one night?
We don’t have free time because we have to work on Our Grades Our Sports Doing community service So we can have these perfect resumes and go to that perfect school so you can go to that perfect job and get married to that perfect love of our lives and have three perfect kids Retire and wait until your body decays into the earth at that perfect timing