Midnight and my heads under the covers Typing away Hiding the light of this cracked screen Hiding the light in my words He can't know I'm happy but my words spew out Because I went from the glass being empty to my core being full of a feeling that scares the **** out of me It scares my skin And my goose bumps don't come up just because I'm cold My body doesnt know how to react So I cry being the only thing I've ever known how to do But to cry you have to breathe So that means I'm still alive And I remind myself that these tears aren't an over flow anymore they're tears of joy And I never really thought that was a real thing But I didn't think love was a real thing either well I didn't think it was real for me Because I use to think breaths weren't meant for me but now I think you're meant for me And I've never trusted a thought of mine more than I do now