with eyes so old seeing it all was easy, spinning around there is nothing queasy, in the head but one thing yet to be seen refreshing, so crisp so clean that makes knowing what to look for from the start being so close to what is really is feel the pounding heart dare not go closer, mistaken for the wrong stuff, nothing tough and sinewy or even tougher, is this way and that way, can't find a way, even in the fog, with the biggest **** spotlight shining out, so much light that my silhouette is pasted to the fog, like Davinci's pointing man the way, fully vulnerable and exposed, wingspan equals altitude, it would be a loss to fall from your own height, not from the "mountains of madness" over and over an edge of no return, or what is the point, of a sharp blade, for the dull witted, but what of glory, that is the edge of glory don't let them catch me peering I have found it.