If I had a cigarette for every time a teacher, parent, or loved one told me I was worthless, I'd have enough cigarettes to clear my head.
And that's it, that's all I need to do. Maybe if I could clear my head and get some ******* sleep I could stop being so worthless. Just give me a break, and something to distort reality and I'll be fine.
Friends have often asked me what's my drug of choice. They say they've seen me ******, tweaking, drunk, numb, but they can't tell which I enjoy most. My answer hasn't changed since I started using. My answer simply remains: anything that gets me high. Anything that allows me to think in a different way, anything that mercifully allows me to not think is my drug of choice.
I'm sick, I have a disease, but I don't need your help. I don't sleep or eat, but I don't need your help.