I look at my face And for the first time I relies Just what's happening Th girl I use to be Is no longer there She is now Gone The girl I am now Just wants to go home But what is home to her We'll not the best awnser It's the *** smoke in the air The cigarets all around A lighter that's missing for the 47 th time Cats and a dog with 8 bunnies All named Home is a daddy working A mom staying home who isn't to good at that A brother in the garage Me at school Watching over my brother Always asking why It's getting up in the middle of the night To go say daddy check the house please It's the birthdays that have passed It's the un know love thro a brother and a sister It's all the silent times The nights of no sleep Home is with my dog lady It's with my brother OZZY My sister who always come and go It's the stupid and idiotic moments The ideals the turn out bad when they sound great And the music blasting Attending church 3 days out of 7 That's home But most of all home is love of a family I miss you all R.I.P chad I miss u mom and brother