I don't know. Nothing is certain and nothing can truly be solidified into a completely defined being because the words escape me and things can be as indescribable as your eyes and the way your hand fits with mine But perhaps I'm dreaming and the reality I believe I'm living is just another trick I have let myself fall for and the only things that are truly real are the things that are not. Much similar to the way i wish I could scream out loud but I force it back down my throat so it only reverberates within my used lungs. If I implode within myself and it is reflected on the outside of me would that mean I have exploded or would it mean i've finally reached a point in my life where I am what I feel in which case I am nothing if I feel nothing and I am everything in the sense that nothingness is what everything believes it is. Would you kindly hold my hand and direct me to the place where we could finally find what we've been wanting for for so long or can you only point me the wrong way and wish i find it in my own time by my own means. Does forever truly exist? Or is it another trick we let ourselves believe so that the fairytales we see have a possibility in becoming real forever? What if the great poets only existed in the times we believe to have fought dragons and the only poetic things left to say are the thoughts great poets left unsaid and the things great poets have said only resonated into their minds from the poetry of the earth we've begun to destroy in our midst of finding civilisation only through barbaric means? And what if the only thing that could cure the restlessness in my mind was your fingers intertwined with mine to signify another unthought stanza of love and your kisses would burn my skin into a salvation I could have never dreamed of having?