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Jan 2014
I thought your love would save me
I thought your hugs would replace my medication
You kisses could be my therapy

I thought you could fix what had been broken
I wanted so badly to believe so
But I was wrong again

I thought it would be like the movies
And you could be my Prince Charming
You’d take away my disease

In real life there are no perfect endings
You can’t shield someone from hurt
Won’t protect them from everything

You can’t unshatter a heart
You can only put bandages on the bruises
You can’t put back what’s been ripped apart

I thought your love would save me
Wanted it more than anything
Thought it would be a cure
So why do I still think these things?
I’ve learned that how you feel about me,
Doesn't change how I feel about myself
And not even a sea of love
Can make my love myself
Theia Gwen
Written by
Theia Gwen  New York
(New York)   
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